The Scan Tech Studio is reservable for students and faculty to conduct Digital Scholarship work related to digitization, image processing, and text recognition and analysis. The Studio cannot be reserved for office hours or tutoring.
The Scan Tech Studio is equipped with a Zeutschel Scanner, a Scannx Flatbed Scanner, and a PC workstation loaded with optical character recognition and text analysis software. Training to use the technology can be arranged with library staff as as consultation request, but on-demand support is not provided.

Consultation Requests: Library staff can provide valuable assistance and guidance for projects that involve text recognition-based scholarship. For example, librarians can advise on Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software or the best digital methods for your research questions.

Space Reservations: For frequent use of the Studio, please request at the beginning of the semester. For one-time use, request with at least a two-week notice. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the reservation will be considered. Additional information about your request may be needed and you will hear from library staff with further questions. Be very specific about how you will use the technology and the Scan Tech Studio in order to expedite the processing of your request. There is no support in the Libraries for the setup or clean up of the Studio. All patrons using the Studio are responsible for contributing to the upkeep of the space.

Questions? Email the Scholars Lab staff: